Thursday, May 18, 2006


Spring has sprung here in Cincinnati and with it my favorite pasttime -- grueling yard work. We're putting in a shade garden to keep Cheddar from jumping on the fence and because the neighbors trees are killing my yard, but I am too soft-hearted to kill anything older than me. Unfortunately, the soil in the yard can be loosely described as "clay totally lacking any nutrients" and I have had to work in sand (from the sandbox, after some cat used it) and a ton of fertilizer. It's looking better but still needs a cubic yard of topsoil and some actual plants. In the front yard, meanwhile, the azalea needed to be saved from ivy the width of my thumb. Everyone knows the best time to pull ivy (because it can only be eradicated by pulling it up from the roots) is after a drenching rain and Mother Nature has obliged happily. Too happily, in fact. I also got the plants that were growing into the AC unit and electric meter -- I don't think they were particularly helping those items function.

Carolyn and I have joined the Queen City Rainbow Band. I'm playing quads again and she's playing clarinet. We were going to make Kate play but we need someone to take care of the babies and we're too cheap to pay a babysitter. Also, she's studying for the boards and has no time -- NO TIME. I'm constantly amazed that she finds time to shower, much less play in a band. I recruited Auntie Rose to play bass drum and it turns out she's really good at it. Unfortunately, we now have to find a babysitter for Dayton Pride (June 3) as it's two days before the boards. We're taking volunteers.

The boys are gorgeous and into all sorts of trouble. Nicholas is a climber -- he's figured out ladders and I project we'll find him in his brother's crib before too long. Tyler loves TV and food -- a lethal combination. Fortunately, both are quite willing to do their chores (carrying to tub to fill the birdfeeder, picking up their toys before going to bed at night, emptying the dishwasher, and putting their dirty clothes in the hamper) to earn their TV time. Nicholas is completely enthralled with helicopters and Tyler loves trains so we're watching Thomas and Friends and Jay Jay the Jet Plane.

The do something new and exciting every day. Today Nicholas played with the beads for a good ten minutes. Tyler loved popping in and out of their "fort" (a car seat box). I am truly the luckiest mom on the face of the earth.

May 11

no comments necessary

May 9

No, Nicholas, you may not have this until we wipe some of that dirt off you.

Tyler drinking grits (his brother taught him this technique).

May 8

Mama Kate unveiled the sprinkler today. We had to strip down to diapers outside and snuggle under blankets to get warm when we got in (it's a tough job, really. no, really).

May 7

We're not potty training so much as engaging in recreational potty use. The only goal is to get them used to the concept of sitting on the potty. Nicholas does manage to push, but only once has he been successful, and even then he didn't notice. That's okay -- we really don't want them potty training until after our big trip/vacation in July.

May 3

I spend all that time preparing tasty and nutritious meals and Tyler just puts it in his hair. {sigh}

May 2

Voting -- it's a family affair.

BTW, the poll workers give you dirty looks when you ask them to take a picture of you voting. It is only redeemed when you clarify you want a picture of the BABIES, not so much yourself. That, and they remember us from last November.

May 1

WARNING: Incredible cuteness ahead!

April 30

The boys figured out long ago how to turn on the light in the oven (actually, there are two ways and they know both). Tyler had to bring to my attention that something had changed in there. He didn't believe me that it was mommies dinner until I signed it for him. Here you can see him signing it back, as if to clarify.

We also got the basketball hoop finally set up. Since we needed a part and Carolyn is working crazy hours it fell to me and I'm not terribly good at spatial arrangement tasks. Nicholas is totally and completely absorbed by basketball. He can pick out a hoop from two streets away (really, he can!). Here he is discovering that he can, in fact, slam dunk the pink sheep.

April 28

Another picture of the footie jammies ...

And Tyler intently watching something on TV ... (that's Nick and I in the background)

April 26

Just so you know, if you plan to take pictures of the boys in their incredibly cute footie pajamas first thing in the morning you had better come bearing milk cups. They do not tolerate waiting.

April 24

This is a barn-burning day. First, we had lots more hat wearing. While there is only one red ski hat with penguins, Nicholas is very resourceful and is happy to wear Mama Kate's winter hat even though it makes him look like an old lady at the Kentucky Derby. It is a hat and that is all he cares about (he doesn't even mind my runon sentences). They haven't really figured out how to work those trikes yet either.

And then, as if the day couldn't get any better -- what with all the trike riding and hat wearing -- the ice cream truck came by. You have to defend against Cheddar, though. She likes cold stuff (she got some ice cubes and was totally happy).

April 19

Nicholas MUST wear the ski hat. Never mind that it's far too warm for it -- the hat MUST be worn. No, he will not exchange it for a baseball cap. Not even the red one! He wants the red ski cap with the penguins!

I decided to let him have his way since it wasn't hurting anything, and he let me take the picture.

April 18

We took the boys to see the huge flower show at the Krohn Conservatory (it's a big annual event). Tyler has a very hands-on approach to flowers so we skipped the super-fancy orchid exhibit.

April 17

Asher came over to play! As the mother of twins I have at least one extra of everything (and he's six months older but Tyler's size) so there were enough swim trunks for everyone to enjoy the mud. The boys really enjoyed showing Asher all their toys.

April 16

Dyeing easter eggs seemed like a good idea at the time... At least we stripped them down to diapers before we started. By the way -- the red only comes out after multiple washings.

April 15

Nick skinned his knee (for the first time) when we were on a "boy walk". Tyler was only ahead by two days.