Tuesday, December 27, 2005

December 21

This is Kate's favorite pair of jeans for Nicholas. I have to admit that the Levi's are pretty cute. They have the red tag and everything!
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Tyler looks pretty stylin' in his winter wear as well.
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We got matching coats at the consignment store and matching hats on sale (notice the existence of a latching device under the chin). I have to say that matching winter coats will likely be the rule until they can complain out it. It's just nice for me to know what I'm looking for when they're running around.

December 16

The oranges from my folks came today! The boys really like them. They think oranges are like little orange balls. They were in such a hurry to play with them I didn't get a chance to peel them. They discovered they don't like pith, but do like orange sections. Thanks for the oranges Mom & Dad!

December 13

Spoon practice!! Tell me again why we chose the blueberry yogurt...

December 5

All curled up on the couch for Teletubbies at the end of a long night shift for Carolyn. We call this "drowning in little boy flesh".
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December 4

Nicholas played with this toy for a good five minutes. He figured it out and then was quite happy with himself. He's a very persistent little bugger.
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December 3

Remember what I said about Nicholas with his stuffed animals and Tyler reading? Yeah, I still love it.
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December 2

It's good to know the bay window is still so interesting. We had to take out the inserts that made it look like little windows put together because the boys were snapping it and I was afraid it would break. Cleaning the finger and tongue smudges is quite enough work.
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November 28

Two sights that make my heart go pitty-pat:

  • Nicholas walking around with his stuffed animal in his mouth
  • Tyler bringing a book for you to read.

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November 25

Nicholas is going through an "in" phase. The ball can fit in the box. The block can fit in the box. The baby can fit in the basket.
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November 24

Teletubbies are the greatest thing ever.
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Nicholas very proud of himself for fitting in the bowl.


Where did November go? We'll never know. But there are only pictures for the last part.

October 28

We mixed things up today -- Rally's for lunch!!! They have never had so much fun. They were trying to empty the fries into their mouths, and both boys learned how to drink out of straws. I figure once in a while really isn't so bad.
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October 25

That box was even fun the next day! Nicholas must have crawled in and out of it a hundred times, while Tyler thinks it is an excellent repository for small toys.
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October 24

What is this? A present?!?! We know just what to do with boxes!
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October 21

This is what the boys look like after they have eaten their boy weight in Chipotle beans. We cheep for Chipotle! Don't shake the babies!
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October 20

Zena (the cat is so patient). Nicholas really really really really really likes cat fur. This is a "good thing" since there are three cats in the house. Zena is so nice not to scratch him. She just gets up and moves out of reach.
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October 19

Random action shots of two very happy little boys. Nicholas likes the little balls from the ball popper, and Tyler is shaking his homemade maraca.
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October 10

First haircuts! Tyler held very still -- even for the clippers --and was such a big boy!
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His haircut turned out really well. Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Nicholas' haircut also turned out very well -- they managed to blend in the hair so the incision from his surgery is not nearly so prominent. He really liked the cape (we may have to get him one).
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October 8

Nicholas really likes to climb onto the Lego table -- but then he just sits there. It's terribly cute.
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Taking pictures of Tyler is becoming more difficult. He just wants to touch (and then lick) the camera.
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October 4

First, Nicholas playing with his new stethoscope. They're really too young for the "pretend play" use of this toy, but they sure to do like to lick them.
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Tyler, on the other hand, really needs a haircut. We've held off until he was a year old but that first haircut is coming soon. Look at those adorable curls!
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