Saturday, October 01, 2005

Happy Birthday Babies!!!!

The boys turned one today! I just can't believe that one year ago they were just itty-bitty guys wondering where the dickens their warm wet place went, and why are they here in the bright cold? They are really cool kids and I am enjoying watching them grow into themselves.

Of course, we had cake. What birthday is complete without cake? And they did what babies do to cake...

Well, first we had to wait for the cakes. .

They were getting their pictures taken before the impending destruction. Momma C wanted photographic evidence of her hard work -- she did place the stars with tweezers, you know.

Then, finally!, they get introduced to their cakes!
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Nicholas really enjoyed it...

But Tyler was not so sure...

First, we put goldfish on the cake. We figured that if he got some of the frosting he'd like it.

When that didn't work we cut it in half so he could see the cake. That didn't work either.

Finally, Tyler became the first baby in the history of the world to be spoonfed his first birthday cake. He likes to do things his own way after all. That seemed to be pretty okay with him.

Meanwhile Nicholas was demolishing his cake.

He had a sugar high when we took him up to bathe. Tyler managed to get some in his hair.
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And then the highchairs had to be taken outside and hosed down. Image hosted by

We've come a long way, babies!!!