Monday, October 18, 2004

Day 16

I call this one "Dueling Boppies". Nicholas and Tyler were both awake and cranky -- for unknown reasons -- at 3:30 AM.

Day 15

On the fifteenth day, we went to Graeter's. They are a Cincinnati landmark and have even been profiled on Food Network. They slept through it, but we got a commemorative picture.

Friday, October 15, 2004

Day 14

Grandpa and Momma C feeding Nicholas and Tyler, respectively.

Day 13

Grandpa's in town! He's doing a great job of holding and feeding the babies. And yes, this is probably the only time you'll see an Army Ranger being chummy with a bunch of sailors.

Day 12

The cats are intrigued by the babies, but also somewhat miffed that they are no longer the cutest small mammals in the house. Here we have Zena supervising operations as regards Tyler's feeding and burping.

Day 11

For the next two days you only get pictures of one baby at a time. Here's Nicholas sleeping. Ain't he cute?

Day 10

Zoo trip! The boys were a huge hit, and I got some walking done. Also, it turns out that white lionesses do indeed cough up hairballs. The highlight of my trip, though, was the two nine-year-old boy twins that were just fascinated by my set. It was very cool. By about midway I realized that the coos of, "Oh, how cuuute!" weren't for the animals, but for my boys. Kindof disconcerting in a way but a good time was had by all.

Day 9

Here's Momma C finally getting a chance to snuggle the babies! She's not in any earlier pictures because she's usually pumping or feeding -- both activities she doesn't want photographic evidence of in the future.

Day 8

Regular readers (I'm sure I have some) will notice that this page loads faster. I'm sorry for the bigger pictures the first week; I didn't know it was saving the whole thing.

Anyway, first up today we have Tyler saying, "Momma C is not to be trusted". Then, Nicholas and me snuggling on the couch and watching the Gators lose to LSU.

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Day 7

We really like sleeping in the nightgowns (Nicholas is modeling). They make nighttime diaper changes super-easy.

Grandma came to visit. Here she's holding Tyler:

Day 6

And on the sixth day we pulled out the Boppy. That thing is one of the greatest inventions of motherhood. First, Nicholas with his outrageously cute outfit and then Tyler sound asleep.

Day 5

On Day 5 we were just establishing a routine at home, so we didn't take many pictures. Here's one of Kate studying embryology with Nicholas:

And one of me feeding Tyler. He likes to help.

Day 4

Finally discharged and going home in fancy duds! Notice the Gator stickers on their little hats...

Here's a bonus picture of Nicholas; he has the prettiest eyes I've ever seen.

Day 3

Still in the Special Care Nursery but doing great. You'll notice that Nicholas has his hand covering his face. He did that in utero too, and he's always doing it now.

Day 2

They had to go to the Special Care Nursery for some antibiotics because they were running low-grade fevers. Turns out that nothing was wrong but their moms were too stubborn to give them bottles. Once they rehydrated they were fine. I like this picture because they have their arms at the same angles.

Day 1

We have babies! The one on the left, Tyler Jefferson, weighs 7 pounds 8 ounces and is 19.25 inches long. On the right is Nicholas Benjamin; he weighs 6 pounds 15 ounces and is 20 inches long.

Babies and moms are doing great! More pictures later. I have to get back to the hospital.