Tuesday, July 19, 2005

My Biggest Concern

Well, I have several Big Concerns (as Pooh would say)

  1. That Nicholas will come home and bonk his head, or have his head bonked, and scream in pain for hours.
  2. That I won't be able to balance their needs and will default to spending more time and effort with Nicholas.
  3. That Tyler will feel "left out" by this whole event and resent Nicholas.
  4. That I won't be patient enough with Nicholas' recovery and think he's "changed" in some fundamental fashion when really he's just recovery from major skull surgery.
I keep reminding myself that there are two babies who need me and that Nick has survived the worst part of this but it's really hard when your baby can't open his eyes and even his cries don't sound right.

That runon sentence is a good hint that I need to log off. I feel better just for having put this "out there". Naming the problem is supposedly the first step, you know...

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Blogger Jane said...

He looks great. He's gonna be fine.

9:48 AM  

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